Over the weekend I went to Allentown to see Don Bluth in seminar. This is how it went:
- I slept in the bathtub. Yesseree bob, it seems like a year and a half of habitual earplug wearing during sleep has made me ultra sensitive to any kind of noise. So I woke up at 3am to the sound of wind blowing outside my window and finding the bathroom to be a quiet haven comparatively, I lined the bathtub with the extra pillows and slept till 8 or so.
- I sat by a guy who wore all black and happened to be a seventeen year performing magician. Of course I didn’t know he was when I sat by him so I just disregarded him as a Matrix loner type who like wearing black leather pants with a black vest under a black cloak. On Sunday he actually performed some wicked cool card tricks at lunch which blew us all away. He seemed pretty dexterous with playing cards and could fan them out like nobody’s business. Which all goes to show you shouldn’t judge a book by his cover.
- I met the biggest fan of the Secret of Nimh. His name was Chris and he seemed like a nice guy. He writes for fun and works in a video store and was telling me how the Secret of Nimh changed his life and how he always wanted to meet Don. I was glad that he could meet his hero in person.
- I saw this girl that I thought was cute.
- Oh yeah I saw Don Bluth.