There are times being a father is hard. The trips to the supermarket for food, the walks around the block carrying the baby in your arms around the neighborhood with food in hand, desperately trying to get the baby to eat. With each step harder then the next, it seems that all efforts go unnoticed. No one knows the number of steps taken bent over, back aching, trying to hold the baby steady to walk. No one knows how much you’ve walked from room to room, cleaning the house, picking up scraps of food, toys, clothes, and dirty diapers.
Not anymore! I got a Fitbit!
So far I’ve been able to track a decent number of steps the last three days I’ve used it. I think seeing the numbers go up does have a strange effect on my wanting to walk around the room at the end of the day just to get over the 10K step goal hump.
Lauren gave me this for my birthday. I took the day off and spent some time with Isaac and Mommy in Malibu. After lunch we took a tour of this old historical house and took some photos. I wasn’t wearing my Fitbit at the time but my steps must have been off the charts!
I went to a wedding that same weekend. I keep wanting to take group shots of other people but I get timid asking them. I mean who goes around asking if they can take other people’s photo? Professionals that’s who. I guess I’m still an amateur.