Like the Person!

After I wrote the post before last, I got Theo chocolate in the mail the other day as a gift.  Thanks Scott! I actually saw another bar of Theo (the chocolate, not me) at the natural foods market, which I picked up simply because it was a whopping 91% dark chocolate.  Not that I keep track of these percentages but I don’t think I remember eating chocolate at such high concentrations.  I’m waiting for the right time at work before unleashing to my coworkers this beast, this test of wills, this monster which is … 91% dark chocolate.  Madness, they say?  This … is… THEO!


  • Vashti

    January 7, 2011 at 10:30 pm Reply

    hahha!!! Now I know the story of Theo chocolate!

  • theo

    January 8, 2011 at 11:47 am Reply

    Yes, I picked it up at your favorite worm store.

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