“So I had two ideas, take her out star gazing, or take her to a neighborhood ice cream shop. The way I saw it:
- star gazing: romance, wonder, the future, the unknown, exploration, beauty, nature.
- ice cream: smiles, contentment, refreshment, sweetness, walks around the neighborhood, summer memories
I wasn’t quite sure what was best so I figured I’d just play it by ear.
On Wednesday we went out to Ethiopian food (our first date) and I figured tonight was the night! We’d go back, eat ice cream, and walk around the neighborhood and I’d propose where I had first picked her up! Bam! But the food came out late and by the time we got home she was fast asleep in the car after a long day at work so I figured I’d do it another day.
On Saturday, I thought we would go for a drive and leave the city. Tonight was the night! It was dark, close to being a new moon, and we’d gaze out over the stars while I get down on one knee and propose. Bam! But she felt pretty sick in the morning, and although she felt a little better toward the end of the day I figured I’d do it another day.
On Sunday she felt better and I suggested maybe we go up to Mt. Pinos to stargaze after she rested during the day and I thought today was the day! Gotta remember to bring my camera! Maybe I can propose while the camera keeps taking photos. Maybe I can get a photo of the stars. We’re on our way! It’s sunset! Hmm, this place is far. Where’s the parking lot? We’re surrounded by trees. I guess there’s no overlook. It sure is dark. I guess I’m not going to get a photo of us. Maybe I’ll try and take a photo of the stars. She’s suggesting we go outside. Now’s my chance! I’ll just stuff the ring box in my pocket. We’re hugging. Should I do it? What’s that noise? Why is it so creepy here? It’s not romantic at all! She’s suggesting we go back inside. Ok, plan #2: ice cream! We can probably make it back in time and combine both my ideas in one evening! Oh no, it’s getting too late and she has work the next day! Oh no, the parking spot where I first picked her up when we first started dating is taken! Oh no there’s a line for the ice cream! She’s suggesting we go to the supermarket. Ok, got the ice cream (Dryer’s slow churned vanilla bean). Hmm, ok so I couldn’t get the parking spot where I picked her up but at least it’s on the same street. Now’s my chance! Wait which direction does this ring box open? Ok she got out of the car. Let me set the ice cream down. Oh man, which knee do I kneel on? Why didn’t I practice this before? Ok just go with my right knee…
Well, it didn’t really happen as I planned but maybe it didn’t matter in the end :). We’re engaged!