Slow Progress

Today was a nice quiet Saturday — woke up, finished the P90X Shoulders and Arms DVD, assisted my roommate with lunch, and studied my notecards for hours and hours.  Progress is going slow.  I finished reviewing card #39 and most of the previous cards today and I have no idea how my coworkers were able to memorize 300 of these.  But I’m still going to try plugging away to see how far I can get. My roommate made some corned beef hash with fried egg and salad and I helped squeeze 15 limes to made limeade.  On the last one, the hinge of the lime squeezer snapped and I felt bad about it, but deep inside I secretly hoped it was some sign of latent super strength (and not cheaply made as my roommate suggested).  Perhaps all these curls are paying off.  With … broken kitchen utensils.  One of these days, laser beams are going to come out of my eyes, I just know it…


  • Allen

    September 9, 2013 at 1:51 pm Reply

    When that day comes, all note-cards will cower in fear of your laser beam might =)

  • theo

    September 9, 2013 at 1:52 pm Reply

    But until then, they’re Kryptonite to me… 🙁

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