I’ve been visiting this new church for awhile that my coworker goes to and as I was wandering around I randomly met this couple that was from Philadelphia, Warren and Wendy I think their names were. Apparently we know some of the same people. It was nice to reminisce about the city and old friends. I’ve also discovered that alliterative couple names are easy to remember. I also met this guy that really wanted to give me the handshake where the fingers wrap around the thumb. I wasn’t able to think fast enough, so I gave him the plain ol’ handshake when we met and when we left. He seemed a little disappointed.
Articles from: 2010
Congratulations Daren and Vashti!
[flashvideo file=http://reidea.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/makin_out_web.flv image=http://reidea.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/makin_out.jpg /] Not exactly ukulele boy, but I tried.
Kitchen Poem
The other day I tried writing a poem. I hadn’t tried doing this since seventh grade. It was significantly easier in seventh grade. The poem I wrote was about a kitchen:
The summer comes and visits thrice Of kneaded dough and earthy spice The pans lay on onioned sheets Splattered with tomato leaps A mixing spoon betrays the care Of single dreams of pleasing fare The kitchen hears, the cook confides The oven heats, the guests arrive Quick in it goes! With hopes full rest On tender hopes of moistened vests Company mingles with friendly din Alone resets the scraps and tins The night it comes in shades of blur Of forks delight in what is served An overcoming ache of day Comes to a close in laughter made With thankfulness he does return White soldier worn with bits of burn And mottled plates, uneven piles A funny red between the tile Once more it stands to offer ear As scuffles out the guests of dear A quiet friend; he cleans it nice The summer comes and visits thrice
I guess I was thinking of what it would be like to make a lasagna and inviting guests over to eat it. I’ve never done either, but I have eaten lasagna so I must have figured that was close enough.
A Long Time Ago in Syria
I dug these up recently from my box of memories. Almost ten years ago back in the days of film. Ah, the good old days… My box of memories is about a cubic foot in size. Actually most of the stuff isn’t that old, come to think of it. Nothing like the treasures at my parents’, like my tape recordings of video game music. Ahh, Jetfighter II.
Happy Birthday Deborah
My "Guns"
Last week at work, to promote employee fitness, they had daily athletic competitions with the people who work in the building. I didn’t participate but they announced the winner of the 1000 m rowing competition with a winning time of 3:30. That didn’t sound so hard to me so I thought I’d go down to the workout room today and see what my “guns” could do. I thought the first 30 seconds were strong. I just have to work on the last five minutes or so…
Hedgehog Journaling
This one took quite a bit longer. I originally had a few more doves thrown in but I figure you just can’t have the whole world read your diary.
Girl and Hedgehog
Ever since I finished my last exam a week and a half ago I’ve been wanting to get back into painting. I spent this afternoon trying to paint a girl and a hedgehog with mixed results. I started with watercolor but switched to digital midway through. I think I lost a lot of the sentiment of the original but it was way more fun to paint digitally, being able to recolor and resize on a whim. And with friends like “control” and “z” what could go wrong? (besides “computer freeze” and “forgot to save”)
I gave up going on a camping excursion to paint this. I’m not sure if it was worth it.
Some of these are really, really old. And by some I mean most. The more recent images are toward the top.
Below is some animation I worked on from My Little World, a feature length animated film about a boy who finds hope and friends through soccer. Music is by Inti-Illimani. [flashvideo file=/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Sequence-03_1.flv image=/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/mlw_small.jpg /] I worked a season on a short lived show called Out of Jimmy’s Head, which was about a boy who got a brain transplant that allowed him to see animated characters. I met a lot of neat people working on this show. [flashvideo file=/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/flash_03.flv image=/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/flash_small.jpg /]
Om nom nom nom
Below is footage of the Ocean Park pandas during my Hong Kong trip earlier this year. [flashvideo file=http://reidea.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/panda_03.flv image=http://reidea.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/panda.jpg /] If I had to be covered in food I’d also have the same exact acoustic guitar loop playing as background music.